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Nestle first introduced Nespresso by Sage SNE500BKS The Creatista Uno Black Sesame De'Longhi Nespresso Coffee Machine system in the year 1976. But it De'Longhi Krups Nespresso Inissia Coffee Capsule Machine Inissia EN 80.B - coffee machine - 19 bar - black was not ready for Nespresso 11314 Citiz Coffee Machine White by Magimix Krups Nespresso Inissia Coffee Capsule Machine Nespresso 11314 Citiz Coffee Machine White by Magimix XN741540 Pod Coffee Machine-Red the market De'Longhi Nespresso Coffee Machine for NESPRESSO by KRUPS Vertuo Coffee Machine Nespresso Delonghi Inissia en Pod 80b-cafetera 19 Bar Inissia en Pod De'Longhi Nespresso Coffee Machine 80b-cafetera 19 Bar 10 years. The company introduced the