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We hope that you're not too connected to either of the Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions of one of the most popular building games for PC as Microsoft and Mojang have confirmed that both will cease to exist on June 7 - and will be replaced by Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition and Bedrock Edition, meaning you don't have to download them separately. MINECRAFT GALLERY You may be confused by the existence of two versions of Minecraft on PC that is the Java and Bedrock versions. PCGamesN provides a helpful guide to clarify the differences between the two versions. If you have paid for one of them, you won't have access to the other. This is a bit absurd. Mojang and Microsoft are in agreement, as they've just made public (thanks, Neowin) the Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition - a single-purchase version of Minecraft on PC that will replace the separate editions. It will go on sale June 7 and will become "the standard and only offering of vanilla Minecraft on Windows PC." Anyone who has either the Java or Bedrock editions will see it upgrade to the combined edition with no other purchase needed, which should happen automatically - although "it could take between two and three days for the game to be available as we roll it out to all eligible players." Additionally, Minecraft players should be allowed to play across versions without any hassle. Mojang confirms that otherwise "Java and Bedrock will remain distinct games that have their own distinct features," with the only difference is that you don't need to purchase them separately and can access both from the same Minecraft launcher. This is good news for everyone, except for those who recently purchased both of them separately. However, it will make downloading Minecraft significantly easier.